FATTORI SAFEST has developed a line of manual, electric and electronic embossing machines for endorsing documents and sheets of paper, able to accelerate embossing rhythms while guaranteeing perfect legibility of the contents and eliminating the risk of counterfeiting.
FATTORI SAFEST offers a line of high performance embossing machines, versatile and state of the art, designed to meet the different needs of the industrial, financial, administrative and other sectors. Realized using high quality materials and customizable according to the customer’s needs, the embossing machines are divided into four series:
Embossing Machines

Embossing Machines - T2E, T2E/FST, 203, 204, T6/2 & T6/FST
T2E – embossing electric machine
Regolazione manuale della pressione di timbratura.Timbra indifferentemente sia 1 che 20 fogli compensando….
Embossing Electronic Machine T2E/FST
Embossing machine that performs dry stamping on registers, single sheets, and continuous form documents.
203 F manual dry embossing machine
Manual dry embossing machine, able to simultaneously stamp up to 15 sheets
204 F manual dry embossing machine
A manual dry embossing machine, able to simultaneously stamp up to 25 sheets
T6/2 Electric embossing machine
A high performance professional model electric embossing machine, able to simultaneously stamp or endorse up to 30 sheets
T6/FST Electronic embossing machine
A professional electronic embossing machine that performs dry stamping on registers, single sheets, and continuous form documents. Is able to emboss in one …
- Series 203 → A manual dry embossing machine, able to simultaneously stamp up to 15 sheets, equipped with engraved stamps in tempered steel and a practical plate on which to rest the documents to be endorsed;
- Series 204 → A manual dry embossing machine, able to simultaneously stamp up to 25 sheets, equipped with engraved stamps in tempered steel and a practical plate on which to rest the documents to be endorsed;
- Series T6/2 → A high performance professional model electric embossing machine, able to simultaneously stamp or endorse up to 30 sheets; the principal plusses of this embossing machine are its hydraulic functioning and electrical control unit, the foot pedals and a convenient surface space, features that accelerate operations and reduce noise and vibration levels;
- Series T6/FST → A professional level electronic embossing machine equipped with an electrical control unit and hydraulic functioning: the added plus of this series is the possibility of automating the embossing cycles, which allows the endorsing of continuous forms, even of different lengths, and the practical LCD display, which permits easy and simple programming of the desired operations.

The manufacturing quality, the use of tempered steel dies and the meticulous attention to detail make these embossing machines an optimal solution for even the most complex needs: from the embossing of paper documents to the endorsing of cards, tickets, notepads, diplomas, licenses, continuous forms, etc.. Thanks to the pre and post-sales customer services offered by FATTORI SAFEST, you can find out more about the product features and identify the manual or electric embossing machine that best meets your company’s needs.
Fattori Safest
offers a constantly evolving line of equipment, designed to meet specific needs: from anti-counterfeiting perforating machines to dry marking machines for checking numbering and industrial coding.